Friday, February 23, 2007

this is bad

i may end up gaining a little too much weight during this pregnancy. i'm not exaggerating even a little bit, but i eat CONSTANTLY. i can't stop or i'll get nauseous. it's really nice having a husband who's so willing to run out and get me whatever i'm craving at the moment!

janine and i met joy at the blue iris today for lunch and then lorin and mikel showed up as well. if your in the area, you HAVE to go there. it' s amazing. try the "day after thanksgiving" sandwich...yum! i'm getting hungry again.

when janine and i were walking to the restaurant, we passed a display for a local photographer's business and saw matt and bree!!!! the most beautiful wedding pictures, i have to say. i snapped a shot with my cell, but don't want to spend the money to email it to my computer, sorry. you'll just have to take my word for it and sooth your disappointment with a rosewater lemonade and a parisian ham sandwich.

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