Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Someone call the psych ward...

this lady's on the loose! i stole this from someone else's blog, but it made me so angry i thought i would share it with that one taiwanese kid.

peace out.


Sol said...

seriously....I am appalled....ready and truely....that is so screwed up. It is people like that that give christians a bad name, I guess love was left out of their version of the Bible...seriously disturbing.

neilgreathouse said...

I'm seriously considering how much money it would cost to send a small rocket ship to the surface of the sun and line the interior with rubbing alchohol and barbed wire. Then, whether or not I'd be arrested for putting that woman on there, face first, and kicking her and that pasted smile all the way to a hot lava nap.

on a lighter note, if you could give me her address so I can send it to Ted Kasinski...that'd be appreciated.